
Below are some of this weeks wafer sales. Please let us know if you can use or if you need us to quote another substrate/service. Or can you forward to a fellow research who may have a need.

Indium Phosphide Mechanical Grade (Ref Item #238532)

2” mechanical grade InP SSP about 350 um thick

Qty Price
25 $135.00 each
10 $155.00 each
5 $175.00 each
1 $200.00

Other III-V wafers available including

GaAs, GaSb, GaP, InSb, InAs

200mm Prime Grade Silicon Wafers (Ref item #692-5176)

200mm N/Ph (100) 508um DSP TTV 10um (spec sheet available)

Qty Price
100 $24.90 each
25 $29.90 each
10 $34.90 each
5 $39.90 each

Other Silicon Wafers of all specs and quantites also available.

150mm SOI Wafers BONDED (Ref item #5156)

150mm P/B (100) 10-20 ohm-cm 625±15
Device 2.5±0.5µm [100] Si:P 1-4 ohm-cm
Oxide 1.0±0.1µm

Qty Price
24 $75.00 each

Other bonded and SOITEC and SIMOX SOI available.

SIMOX SOI (Ref 237740)

100mm P/B (100) 10-20 ohm-cm
Device: 220nm
Buried Oxide: 3um
Handle Wafe: 380um (100) 0.01-20 ohm-cm

Qty Price
10 $890.00 each
5 $990.00 each
1 $1,100.00

We also have 25mm x 25mm SOI, same specs as above for $125.00 each


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